hahax..today after skul we go serendah eat tom yam..after finish eat tom yam..we decide to go serendah d "7 holes" thr see..hehe..diz place have mani mystery secret..n oso diz place is a historical place...hear ppl say gt mani ppl fall into the 7 holes den they had lost..even the body oso lost...its reli a mystery n scary place...bt diz oni ppl say d story duno it is real ornt d la...hehe...bt diz place reli is a gud n windy place to let ppl jogging or slow walk or even picnic n fishing...the yit hao so funi..when gt motor past by den he quickly hide cz he say he sked ppl cum "da kip" him..haha..stupid fellow...after 15 min we bak to rawang lo...hehex
Friday, July 30, 2010
After skul...
Posted by Redbean Ng at 7:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Hapi 20th bday to my big sista,,,
Hapi bday to my big sista...she is 20th nw..so old ady..haha...wish her leng leng forever and wish comes true..heehee..
Posted by Redbean Ng at 8:18 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Posted by Redbean Ng at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
i choose to cherish my fren forever even wat argument we had..once have a fren,we have to learn to forgive n apologize..we nt supposed blame on others..friendship is very important in lifes..fren is the person who help u when u need help..they r always around u..so i belive when one day ur fren suddenly treat u bad or ply fool on you..we cannot blame them..cz mayb they duno the act they have done wil hurt u..so we supposed to tell them our feelings to let them noe tat they did wrong..so they wont continues this attidue again...we are supposed happy n appreciate our frens..diz is actuali a fate to noe each other...in this lifes we can noe each others..but when we in our next lifes mayb we cant noe each others again..so we had to cherished it frm nw...i mor likes to own a best fren better than own an enemy...so,fren..i hope u all can think same lik wat i think...i juz want to tell u guys..i LOVES MY FRENS...
Posted by Redbean Ng at 8:38 AM 1 comments
Labels: i loves my fren
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
ponteng club..
Hahax..today reli is a gud chance for me n my classmates ponteng..hehex..me,kiro,hong,kimochi baby,mong,n others fren use diz gud chance to ponteng the bm lessons...we all hate the teacher so much..she is so annoying..lik to lauf ownself n lik to simply scold n beat ppl...crazy women...i hate her!!!!!!although she is "hak yan zhang" bt actuali she teach bm veli well..bt her attidue mak us hate her..dun say bout her jo...hehex..bak to my tittle 4 today...hahax..actuali today is a photography day...hehex..we "ga ga yi" lies teacher tat we go out for shooting...hahax..almost half of my classmates come out for shooting..all wanted to skip her class..hahax..u see she reli so "hak yan zhang"...me,hong,kimochibaby,kiro,mong saw mr.rahim,we sked he wil catch us ponteng,but luckly he also thought we waiting for shooting..haha..sei chun...den our ponteng mission success..hohohohohx..hapi...after diz gt 1 chinese gal came n ask us wat kelab we r??den we all say we r "PONTENG CLUB"...hehex..den she say dun ply la..say real d...den we also say WE NO PLY LAR..WE RELI IS PONTENG CLUB"...hahax..den tat gal tak tahan us jo..den she oso go away from us..hehe..after diz is the LEO CLUB shooting time..me n kimochi baby is nt tat club..we juz go wit fren n see gt wat" 8"..den suddenly gt 1 gal came n gav us a red vest 4 us wear for shooting...den we oso wear n go shooting lo..lolzzz...me so paiseh leh..me nt this club d..bt go shooting..=='''hehex...we are so enjoy today..hahax..skip jo bm..hope this photography session wil last 4 1 week..haha..den can ponteng whole week go shooting..den the next year majalah every picha wil saw our faces..haha..funny...:)hong say we are the part time worker,we sit thr n wait 4 which club less ppl..den we go join dem..hahax..lik tat oso can..hehex...diz 4 today....^^
Posted by Redbean Ng at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
Posted by Redbean Ng at 6:02 AM 0 comments
facial day
hahax..tat me..today me,taufufa,n tomato go to PJ for a facial tutorial..its so fun..hehex..this product is so gud..its frm FBI(FRANCE PRODUCT)i use jo my face look white smooth n my pimples had gone..reli so magic...i muz buy this product n use it..hehe..about 6pm the tutorial class end...den we went to desa aman puri eat our dinner n wait our fren come fetch us...im so suffering..cz im fever...i feel so damn cold..i wish to faz reach home...bt muz fetch Rlun go tarc so muz suffer more 2 hours...so sad...
Posted by Redbean Ng at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 17, 2010
50++ days!!!!
this week i din go skul for 3 days ad..tat friday i go skul..my class teacher had tell me that i have 50++days din cum skul jo...he say if i reach 60 days din cum den i wil kena buang..duno y i start so lazy nw..oni wan stay at home...i noe go skul is gud 4 me...bt duno y..im so damn lazy...no mood go skul...skul 4 me nw is so boring and dangerous...my class teacher is so gud..i think he is the bestest class teacher i meet..he sked i wil kena buang so he ask me to write letter if i din cum skul..he also teach me hw to write..hehex...gud teacher..so i hav to write mani letter nw..n i have to find mani reason nw too...diz all is i tak it myself..cant blame others...i think from nw on i muz go skul everyday..cz trial spm is cuming..i cant ponteng anymore...i muz nw start study n do mani exercise...hope i reli can do it(mean wont ponteng skul)bt its reli hard 4 me to do...haiz...
Posted by Redbean Ng at 9:15 AM 0 comments
HAPI day but oso a bad luck day...
y i say tat..actuali today im so excited,cz can attend this awesome party..tat are jia hui bday party at wtc cafe...tat party start at 7.30pm,all attendance muz wear formal clots..reli so fun n interesting party...our "shao xing lui" is so leng lui today...today at the party i saw mani leng lui too...i first time see my skul fren wear dress..some of them is first time wear dress d o...reli suprised me..all so leng lui n leng zai today...we all are so enjoy n so "high"...all play n drink till drunk..we also have tak mani picha..haha..we ply till 12am oni bak..hope can attend this kind bday party again..hehe..
y i say im bad luck??cz today when i bak frm kl wan bak home to prepare bt i had found tat i left my room key at my work thr...so fcuk man!!!y so unlucky???huh??all my things in my room..what should i do...???thus,no keys to enter my room..i go mei lian house bath n mak up sin...and i have to wait my sis bak home tak key 4 me..luckly my sis drive car so pro..she only tak 30 mins frm kl to rawang..last,me n mei lian is the last person who go the party..we late bout 1 hour oni reach...luckly,finally i can attend the party...haha
Posted by Redbean Ng at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 12, 2010
my new blog..
Im redbean here..haha..this my new blog..actually i own a blog last time..bt unfortunately i forgot the password ad..sad case.:(..i try to type many password oso cant sign in,thus this mayb is a fate..so i must accept it..so i decided to open a new blog...hehe..i wil remember this password now..wont ever forget it..if nt must open a new blog again..hahax...in this blog i wil like to write down all my lifes thing that i have done..include my sad things,family,hapi things,my loves n mani more...my english is nt so gud so my blog wil have mani broken english word and oso some campur campur languages word..haha..hope u all dun minds..hahax..
tat all for my first blog...i wil nw start have a gud habits to blogging..hahax
Posted by Redbean Ng at 1:05 AM 0 comments