i choose to cherish my fren forever even wat argument we had..once have a fren,we have to learn to forgive n apologize..we nt supposed blame on others..friendship is very important in lifes..fren is the person who help u when u need help..they r always around u..so i belive when one day ur fren suddenly treat u bad or ply fool on you..we cannot blame them..cz mayb they duno the act they have done wil hurt u..so we supposed to tell them our feelings to let them noe tat they did wrong..so they wont continues this attidue again...we are supposed happy n appreciate our frens..diz is actuali a fate to noe each other...in this lifes we can noe each others..but when we in our next lifes mayb we cant noe each others again..so we had to cherished it frm nw...i mor likes to own a best fren better than own an enemy...so,fren..i hope u all can think same lik wat i think...i juz want to tell u guys..i LOVES MY FRENS...
Setting up My Personal Cloud: BeeStation
3 months ago
I agree wit u :) !
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