OMG!!!ITS AUGUST now...!!!!wat am i doin now???i stil so playfool n not ever start to brain juz think to play,hang out,chit chat,n sleep oni....Hey..REDBEAN!!!PLS WAKE UP LA!!!diz year u r the candidates for SPM!!!!actuali i almost forget tat i have SPM this year...(wtf)..*sei lor*the times past so sipet fast..mak me no more times left...haiz..all my frens start study jo..oni me...stil nt yet study..dun say study..even go touch the book oso i cant do..omg!!!im kinda so lazy bean...1 week oni attend to skul 2 days..haiz..i duno wat am i doin now..tuition oso i skip jo 2 months(cz lazy) so useless r...i hate myself...!!!thus from diz new month on,i wil b more diligent..the first things supposed to do is:
1.Attend skul everyday(if sick can skip)
2.Go back kasturi tuition(if no money can skip too)
3.Start do some revision
4.Pay attention when teacher teaching(if tat teacher are boring,den sleep)
5.No PONTENG anymore
6.No playing FB everyday
7.No watch movie everyday(but gt new episode muz watch it)
8.No sleep than more 10 hours everyday(except sunday)
9.No oni go skul chit chat wit fren(bt gt new news mus chat sin)
10.Pray to god everyday,to bless me...
Those are the 10 things i must do it in this month onwards...i noe its hard for me..but i muz do it...!!!!i belive i can do it...hahax...oopppss..1 things i left..11.No oni juz pakto!!!this oso very important things must do..hehex...Bt 1 sad things to me...the TRIAL SPM wil be held on 20 sept(tat is my 17th bday)sad!!!cant hang out n celebrate...haiz...nvm more important..(T.T)...this month onwards i wil very buzy i think...i hope i can go through it..n faster finish my SPM den i can tak a good good rest lor....i gt mani plan after SPM..haha..cant wait tat day comes...
*hopes this month onwards i can make all those 11 things*
*good luck to me*
Setting up My Personal Cloud: BeeStation
3 months ago
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