wearing coat that guy is my cousin bro~
veejin so yau yeng~~
So long time didn't go already..
I went to QUATTRO last week..
my cousin bro birthday!!!
Im so enjoy that night...
Quattro is a nices club~~!!!
lazt to write many..that all..hahahax
stil gt many pic didn't upload..
coz i haven get it...
Sunday, November 28, 2010
♥Quattro Nitez♥
Posted by Redbean Ng at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
♥Day 1 SPM♥23112010
BM paper~!!!!
Today is the first day for SPM..i think everyone will early went to school today.Nowadays many students so rich..all drive to school...so JEALOUS lo...hahax
I woke up at 4.30am..I'm so fucking nervous~!!!my hands are shivering~!lolx...heart beat becomes fast and fast~
Before go to school,i had pray to GOD..i hope he can bless me..hope i can do well in exam~!
Eat breakfast before go to school,meet Syin yee and Miriam at town and eat together~
So nervous when i reach school,everyone was holding a revision book and study...
I saw everyone was so hardworking,i also take out my revision book annd study too...LOL..
Today paper 1 quite hard..i'm so lazy to write out many point for the section A..(i think i will get low marks=[)
paper 2 is so easy..but because i careless..i miss some marks again~!haiz
i'm not satisfied for today paper..=(
Hope i will get a GOOD marks for the BM paper~!!!!!!
Finally finished BM paper~!oh yeah~!!!all the BM's books can put away jo~!!!!
Ready for tomorrow paper=ENGLISH!!!!
Posted by Redbean Ng at 4:20 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 22, 2010
♥The things we had done before SPM♥22112010
you can see...what stupid thing we done today..lolx
so relax while studying..lolx...
macam yes la~
r-hong say like that read will become clever..lolx
the most serius people =BRYAN!
you see!!!i'm studying leh...so hardworking..haha
we start study from 3pm to 6pm..then we had our dinner at
Chee heer's house...yumm yumm..thankiu so much Chee heer's
mummy for the dishes~!!its so delicious... heeheeex!!
What we had do The Day before SPM???LOLX....
We are so relaxing~
here are some video~!!!!
Posted by Redbean Ng at 5:53 AM 0 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
♥Ricoh CX3♥20112010
super delicious grill fish i ate..in Midvalley's food court.
Delicious popiah..food court.
vEE JIN ask me to learn this dior's model make up..LOL
she say the make up so cool~~ had our brunch at SWEET CHAT!
sweet chat=nices,comfortable and serve delicious food.
Me and my sis Cherish Ng went to Midvalley to buy this camera..wow..amazing..this really was a great camera...nices design too..many function too..this camera is Ricoh cx3...
have a nices day today=]
talk many nonsene today..but i lazy to write out..hahahaha..=P
Posted by Redbean Ng at 1:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
♥8 DAYS♥15112010=[
i have no more time jo..stil have 8DAYS only for SPM....>.<
im so scared arh but duno why din feel nervous at all??so weird?
im now so WTF lazy and no mood to study at all...
who can help me????i really need ppl to scold and force me to study leh=[
my mum and father din ever force and scold me to study oso..T.T
if got ppl scold and force me to study,i only will go study de..
because i dunwan dissapointed them..
but now,they no care about my study oso..i become LAZY BEAN jo..=(
no mood study..
i got try to study,but just study 10 minutes than i will close the book and go on the computer..
i cant stop online..i can play FB for whole days...haih
everyday i do wat???
play comp,sleep,eat and hang out wif fren only...diz wat i do before spm..haih
everyone start prepare for exam jo...
im so regret din start study last few months..
and im so regret that everyday din go skul..
i already 1 month din go to skul jo..im reli so 'fai cai' arh........
i must force myself study frm now...
i hope i can get all credits for my exam..
wat i hope for my spm results:
i hope i can get those result..heheheehx
i will everyday pray to GOD..hope can bless me..
i must ADD OIL =D
Posted by Redbean Ng at 6:13 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 13, 2010
syin yee and veejin say gt HK feel...
mine =p
happy day=]
went to Times square,Uniqlo and Pavilion wif Veejin and Syin yee...^^
syin yee so 'bu gan yuan' cz yday din go dou Uniqlo..so we go on today!
vEE JIN wan go TS buy her work trousers only..
and me actuali juz wan go for fun=)
Go pavilion eat piza hut and meet LEETEO at thr too,,hehex
using Syin yee's Fujifilm take pic..so fun..lolx
we had wasted 4 film..
so juz snap 6 pics...
Vee jin so bad luck,meet a stupid taxi driver..the taxi driver duno the way to midvalley..WTF!!!
TAXIMAN duno the way!!!!if duno the way pls dun be ataxi driver la..pls...
after Veejin go work,me and syin yee go chat time to had a drink..yum yum..taste 9s=]
had to say WTF again..the stupid KTM dun had aircond...hot sei me and syin yee jo..
reach home 5pm..
Enjoy and Happy but im not feeling good actually...=)=(
Posted by Redbean Ng at 10:31 PM 0 comments