syin yee and veejin say gt HK feel...
mine =p
happy day=]
went to Times square,Uniqlo and Pavilion wif Veejin and Syin yee...^^
syin yee so 'bu gan yuan' cz yday din go dou we go on today!
vEE JIN wan go TS buy her work trousers only..
and me actuali juz wan go for fun=)
Go pavilion eat piza hut and meet LEETEO at thr too,,hehex
using Syin yee's Fujifilm take fun..lolx
we had wasted 4 film..
so juz snap 6 pics...
Vee jin so bad luck,meet a stupid taxi driver..the taxi driver duno the way to midvalley..WTF!!!
TAXIMAN duno the way!!!!if duno the way pls dun be ataxi driver la..pls...
after Veejin go work,me and syin yee go chat time to had a drink..yum yum..taste 9s=]
had to say WTF again..the stupid KTM dun had sei me and syin yee jo..
reach home 5pm..
Enjoy and Happy but im not feeling good actually...=)=(
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3 months ago
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