i likes this♥
camwhore before work!!haha
im so tired and sleepy
potato fat ha0 =p
LG-lifes good
taken by=photographer(LEETEO)
my jimui(TAKKI)BUTT..haha..so sexy~~
working counter
serving customer
handphone display
last day,keeping things!!
potato so leng lui♥
photo shoot,hahahaha
oh yeah!!!i had work at Stadium Malawati,shah alam for 3 days..i work fair..the fair name is I-T ROCK YOU!!!!i work wif miriam and potato..hehex=)
I sell LG MOBILE PHONE...miriam dem sell SONY CAMERA..really so damn fun at here..we so enjoy working,although is super tired..coz had to stand for 12 hours..but is worth..coz we had take many experience and noe many many friends at there..=)
im so happy work wif my working partner...they are great and funny...my working partner is Rainny,Takki,R-lun and my boss Kenneth..first day..less talk wif dem...coz we are so shy..LOL..haha...they all are so friendly...just noe dem for 3 days but like noe jo many years..what oso can chat and play..haha..feel so 'she bu de' when reach last day work...coz not everytime can work together again..haih..=(
haha..but luckly we stil can come out for yumcha..haha...=)
first time work dou so damn fun..hahax..hope fast fast got fair again..haha..den can noe more new fren again..hahahahahahx...
i miss u all so much♥
Setting up My Personal Cloud: BeeStation
3 months ago
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